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Ogle Design
David Ogle founded Ogle Design in 1954 and started designing and producing cars from 1959. David Ogle was killed in a car crash in 1962, and the company was then managed by Tom Karen who became chief designer Ogle stopped manufacturing and produced designs for others make, the first of these being the Ogle SX250 designed for Daimler but taken up by Reliant instead. That started an association with Reliant that led to the Scimitar and the GTE, with the Reliant Robin and Bond Bug on the way. Tom Karen also did the Panorama Elite for Plaxton Coaches and then the Dominant for its rivals Duple. In 2000 the design operation was sold to a Swedish company to become Ogle Noor, whilst Ogle continued in the UK on Research and Development.
Reliant Scimitar
Reliant Scimitar GTE and GTC
Plaxton Panorama Elite
Reliant Robin and Rialto
Reliant Scimitar GTE SE6
Reliant Scimitar GTC
Reliant TW9
Reliant TW9. The 'Three-Wheeler 9' took over from an export only Regal 3-wheeler pickup that had a bare extended chassis behind a Reliant Regal cab. The TW9 had a cab by Ogle Design, and the rear was left bare for local content to be built. Launched in 1967 it was made by Reliant until 1974 when BTB Engineering took over manufacture until 1987 as the 'Ant'. Greek company Mebea made the TW9 from 1978
s_Reliant Scimitar 1970 SE4b side
Reliant Scimitar 1970 SE4b. From 1966 the SE4a and later SE4c were given the 2994cc Ford 'Essex' V6 engine, and carried the '3-litre' badge on the boot lid.
Bond Bug
key text:  This is the page introducing Simons love of cars from the website  RedSimon which is a series of photo albums of Simon GP Geoghegan.
The names of Pinin, Farina, and Pininfarina are also considered
There are also notes on Pininfarina
as well as the car maker
and links tothat car maker
see also my Picasa car albums
withe even more on RedSimon
Simon is also a contributor to SuperCars.Net
And also to Wikipedia
Photos may be purchased from PhotoBox