Marcos Cars
Jem Marsh and Frank Costin founded Marcos Cars in 1959 based on a plywood chassis using construction methods from Mosquito bombers. Production took off after the Marcos GT designed by the Adams brothers had been exhibited at the 1963 London Racing Car Show. However, the first Volvo-engined GT cost too much and sales only took off after 1966 when cars powered by Ford Cortina engines were introduced. But financial problems dogged the company, coupled with the cost of expansion and the cost of exporting to America, and the company foundered in 1972. There were a couple of new owners, but in 1976 Jem Marsh managed to buy back the rights to 'Marcos' and in 1981 started to manufacture an updated Marcos GT but this business went bankrupt in 2000. A new company, Marcos Engineering, was formed in 2002 with Jem Marsh and finance from a Canadian businessman, and this business lasted until 2007.
Marcos Mantis 1970
Marcos Mantis 1970 - badge on bonnet
Marcos M70 Mantis
Marcos M70 Mantis
Marcos 1800 GT 1966
Marcos GT
Mini Marcos
Mini Marcos
Frank and Mike Costin
Frank and Mike Costin