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Standard Triumph Racing
Standard Cars were used competitively, and before the War Donald Healey helped to develop the Triumph Dolomite and Gloria cars in competition. After the Second World War the TR2 proved to be very competitive and started a run with the Triumph TR sports cars which was supplemented with the smaller Triumph Spitfire. At the end of the Triumph brand the controversial TR7 sports car took to the forest stages, aided by the Rover V8 engine.
Standard Pennant 1959 race
Standard Pennant 1959, 1190cc
Standard Ten 1958 race
Standard Ten 1958
Triumph TR2 1954
Triumph TR2 1954, with 1,991cc (Vanguard) engine
Triumph TR2 1956  frontr
Triumph TR2 1956, with 1,992cc engine
Triumph TR7 1978 V8 Rally front
Triumph TR7 1978 V8 Rally, the 'TR7 V8' was homologated for European Rallies because the TR8 was not sold in Europe. It was given a tuned 3,492cc V8 engine
key text:  This is the page introducing Simons love of cars from the website  RedSimon which is a series of photo albums of Simon GP Geoghegan.
The names of Pinin, Farina, and Pininfarina are also considered
There are also notes on Pininfarina
as well as the car maker
and links tothat car maker
see also my Picasa car albums
withe even more on RedSimon
Simon is also a contributor to SuperCars.Net
And also to Wikipedia
Photos may be purchased from PhotoBox